onsdag 14 april 2021

About this blog

This blog is the story of a false accusation towards a whistleblowing RN, a Swedish paediatric RN a specialist in Neonatal Intensive Care. To be able to understand the background there is a need to read from the start October 2011. To understand why I chose to risk my income and my registration there is a need to read what I came from and what I found as arriving in Stockholm in 1996. The post can be found on start page, to the right. There is a serie of posts titled Blogg 100 which describes the culture of my Karolinska workplace, the sex and the play with power. I had to stop writing at day 28, as nightmares hit. I'd say most of my knowledge from working in NICU 1984 till 2017 can be found in the blog. My mail ese.ahlander@outlook.com